When Is Home Nursing A Better Option Than Assisted Living?

Image presents When Is Home Nursing A Better Option Than Assisted Living

G’day mates, choosing between home nursing and assisted living for your oldies can be a right fair dinkum stoush, like trying to pick your favourite snag at the Barbie. Every option’s got its own snags and burnt bits, and there’s no one-size-fits-all answer.  But don’t you worry, cobber, this yarn’s here to navigate the outback of senior care and help you find the perfect fit for your loved one.

Who needs home nursing more than assisted living?

Think of it like this: if your old fella still throws on his budgie smugglers every morning for a dip in the pool and wouldn’t swap his stubby holders for a gold medal, then home nursing might be the ticket. Here’s why:

  • Indies at heart: These battlers crave their independence like a dingo howling at the moon. Generally, home nursing lets them stay put in their own digs, with familiar smells and routines keeping them comfy. No need to pack up their life and memories. They can still whack on their Akubra hat and tend to the roses just like they always have.
  • Medical marvels: They’ve got a few extra aches and pains, maybe even chronic disease conditions like diabetes or a dodgy ticker. Additionally, home nurses are whizzes at managing these, like a shearer handling a woolly mammoth. Moreover, they’ll provide personalised care, tailored to their specific needs. So they can still enjoy a Barbie with the grandkids without worrying about their sugar levels or blood pressure.
  • Recovery rooie: They’re bouncing back from surgery or a nasty bout of the lurgy. Generally, home nursing offers dedicated post-operative care and rehab. Like a crack physio helping them regain their strength and get back to chucking boomerangs in the backyard.

What are the advantages of home nursing over assisted living?

Picture this, cobber: Your old Sheila’s in the kitchen, flour dust like fairy bread on her apron, whipping up a batch of her legendary damper. The grandkids are underfoot, giggling like joeys in a sugar cane field, waiting for the first warm slice dripping with butter. The air’s thick with the smell of eucalyptus from the gum trees outside, and the whole house feels like a warm hug. That, mate, is the magic of home nursing.

  • One-on-one TLC: No more feeling like they’re lost in a sea of faces in a daggy retirement home. Basically, home nurses give your loved one personalised attention, like a true blue mate. Also, they’ll build a strong bond and understand their unique needs. Whether it’s a craving for a cuppa at sunset or a good yarn about the good old days.
  • Home sweet home: No packing up their life and memories! They stay in their own familiar surroundings, with their beloved belongings and routines keeping them grounded. Furthermore, the worn armchair where they read the paper and the scent of their lavender bush. All these little things can make a world of difference to their happiness.
  • Family first: You and the grandkids can drop in any time for a cuppa and a yarn. Furthermore, home nursing makes it easy to stay close and involved, keeping the family spirit strong. No more fretting about them feeling like a lone wallaby in the outback! Also, you can drop by any time for a cuppa and a crack over a game of cribbage, keeping the family spirit as strong as ever. It’ll be a daggum shame to miss out on those cheeky grins and cunning strategies, wouldn’t it?
  • Cost considerations: Listen, mate, I know what you’re thinkin’. In-home care sounds like it’ll set you back a fair whack, right? But here’s the thing: if your loved one only needs a bit of a hand around the house for a couple of hours each day, it can actually be a real ripper deal. Plus, there’s a fair chance you could snag some government help to ease the financial strain. Think of it like this: whackin’ a few bucks off the bill now means snags all round at the next Barbie, eh?”

When might assisted living be a better choice than home nursing?

Look, I ain’t knocking retirement villages, they can be like a posh cruise ship for oldies, chock-a-block with more bells and whistles than a billy cart rally. But for some of us, they’re just not the cuppa tea.

  1. Medical mayhem: Your loved one needs around-the-clock medical care, like oxygen therapy or skilled nursing for complex conditions. These assisted livin’ joints are chock-a-block with ripper nurses who know their stuff inside out, like blokes and sheilas at the Royal Sydney. They’ve got all the gear you could ever need, to keep your oldie feeling tip-top, day and night. 
  2. Social butterflies: They fair dinkum crackle in a lively setting, love a good yarn with their cobbers, and wouldn’t miss a bingo night for quokkas. They even belt out “Waltzing Matilda” like true blue Aussies! 
  3. Safety first: Now, some folks might be a bit more challenging, prone to wanderings like a lost wallaby or wobbly moments like an emu on ice. Assisted living facilities are like a secure paddock for these spirited souls, with 24/7 eyes on them like a seasoned stockman. That peace of mind is worth its weight in gold, knowing your loved one’s safe and these facilities are equipped to handle those tricky situations, whether it’s a midnight stroll or a sudden tumble. You can sleep soundly, dreaming of barramundi bigger than your ute, while they’re tucked up in bed, safe and sound.
  4. Limited support: You and the family live miles away, or work long hours that make it hard to provide regular care. Assisted living takes the pressure off, like a bloke finding a second pair of hands to help muster the cattle. Furthermore, the staff will be there to cook their meals, clean their digs, and keep them company. You can focus on work and family knowing they’re well looked after.

How can you decide which option is right for you?

It’s a bit like picking the right sauce for your snag – you gotta consider all the flavours. Here’s a handy checklist to help you navigate the outback of senior care:

  • Have a heart-to-heart with your loved one

Settle in with a brew and chew the fat about their wants, worries, and any medical bits and bobs.

  • Get the doc’s opinion

Your GP or healthcare professional can be your compass in this maze. Additionally, they’ll provide expert advice based on your loved one’s specific situation.

  • Compare costs and services

Research the options in your area, including home nursing agencies and assisted living facilities. Don’t forget to factor in government subsidies you might be eligible for. Every little bit helps, like finding a hidden pouch of gold nuggets!

  • Take a tour

Instead of just reading brochures, give both home care mob and assisted living cribs a squiz in person. Get a gut feel for the place and meet the crew. It’s all about making your loved one feel like they’ve stumbled on a hidden billabong in the outback, not another dusty roadhouse. Want ’em chirpy and comfy, like they’ve finally found their home away from home.

  • Talk to other families

Skip the guesswork and chinwag with folks who’ve already hoofed it down this track. Their lived experience is a goldmine, like a weathered bushman spilling the beans on surviving the Nullarbor. 


Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all Akubra for your loved one. Their needs are as unique as a mob of kangaroos bouncing through the scrub. But by digging into the details, having a heart-to-heart chat, and weighing up all the options, you’ll find the perfect solution that brings a smile wider than a barramundi after a wet season. And that, mate, is worth more than a swag full of opal.

P.S. If you’re still feeling a bit lost in the bush, don’t hesitate to reach out to folks like us at Abundance Healthcare Group. We’re like your friendly dingo guides, ready to help you navigate the outback of senior care and find the perfect fit for your loved one. Give us a call or drop by for a chat. We’re always happy to help, no matter how big or small the stoush.

Remember, you’re not alone on this journey. Also, with the right support, you’ll find the perfect way to keep your loved one happy and healthy, living their best life under the Southern Cross.