Specialist Support Coordination

Looking for a specialist support coordination service that can help you with support plans and coordination services? Abundance Health Care Group has got you covered!

Image presents specialist support coordination

Our team can provide you with the support you need to navigate the complex world of disability support. We are here to support you on your NDIS journey. Our range of services helps you build capability, simplify matters, and provide assistance. We will work hard to ensure that you feel empowered and in control of your situation.

Furthermore, Our support coordination service can assist you in maximising your NDIS funding and funded support. We create support plans and ensure qualified support workers and healthcare professionals are available to assist with their implementation.

At Abundance Health Group, we understand how overwhelming the NDIS can be. That is why we are giving you the expert support you need to live your life to the fullest. So if you’re an NDIS participant or service provider looking for access to any levels of support coordination, look no further! Contact us today to learn how we can help you build your support network and achieve your goals.

Support Coordinator Role In Sydney & Perth

A specialist support coordinator has an important task: to assist NDIS participants in accessing the disability support they need. We provide support coordination services in Sydney and Perth to help manage your support environment and achieve your goals.

Additionally, our team will collaborate with you to develop a personalised NDIS plan that matches your needs and objectives. We connect you with the right support workers and allied health professionals to implement your plan. We deliver support to people with disability so they can achieve their goals to make sure they get the assistance they need to live their best life.

So, if you’re an NDIS participant in Sydney or Perth and you’re looking for a support coordinator, look no further. Contact us today and learn how we can help you build your support network and achieve your goals.

Image presents Support Coordinator Role In Sydney & Perth

Why Choose Our Trusted Support Coordination

We strive to provide specialist support coordination services to NDIS participants and service providers in Sydney and Perth. So, If you’re looking for help managing your support environment and pursue your goals, we’re here to help.

Don’t hesitate to contact us to learn more about our services and how we can help you. Our coordinators are available to lend you a helping hand and be there for whatever you require. We look forward to hearing from you and working with you to create a brighter future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Specialist Support Coordination is a valuable service we offer to those who are eligible for NDIS Support. Our team specialises in providing information, advocacy, capacity-building support and assistance to help eligible individuals access services that meet their needs.

We understand the challenge of plan managing your individual experience with the NDIS. Therefore, we put emphasis on facilitating access to suitable complex support when it matters.

Anyone who requires additional care and assistance to live an independent life can be eligible for our specialist support coordination services.

Depending on the individual needs and service agreement, we can ensure that all necessary supports are in place for a person to live an autonomous life.

Our NDIS support coordinators work with individuals, taking into account their needs, goals and preferences to provide support.

We can help you access services such as plan review,  community nursing care, respite care, accommodation assistance and more. We are dedicated to helping you get the right support connection for your individual needs.

To access our services, simply fill out our online form and one of our support coordinators will be in contact with you as soon as possible to discuss your needs.